Welcome to First Baptist Church Piedmont
We seek to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ in word and deed, to see our friends and neighbors come to saving faith in Christ and to grow in Him each day. We are a body of Christ-followers that love our community and each other. We exist to demonstrate this in Gospel-centered worship and in obedience to the Great Commission. We are located at 15 Jackson Ave. NW in Piedmont, OK.
Service & Bible Study Times
Sunday Mornings
Sunday School: 8:45 AM
Morning Service: 10AM
Sunday Afternoons & Evenings
Choir Practice: 3:30 PM
Adult Bible Study: 5PM
Grief Share: 5PM
Children Classes: 5PM
Students: 5PM
Wednesday Evenings
Meal: 5 PM
Pastor’s Bible Study: 6:30PM
Children: 6:30PM
Students: 6:30PM
Current Sermon Series
Wednesday Class
Ministries Available for All Ages
From Birth through Grade 6
Grades 7-12